Medical Grade Skin Services

Woman receiving facial skin care

Are you tired of your average facial? While the average facial is nice they may not be doing what is best for your skin. Our medical grade facials are able to offer our clients and their skin more! We use all medical grade skin care products to treat and correct our client’s skincare concerns. Medical grade products have high concentrations in active ingredients vs the skin care lines you get at your regular day spas. While those products can help, our medical grade skincare products and services are more effective in achieving results!


What it is: A quick and pain free treatment that offers dramatic and immediate results. NuLift utilizes the EndyMed 3Deep Small Handpiece to stimulate collagen and tighten the skin. This is the perfect treatment to help reverse signs of aging while also tightening and contouring the face and neck.

Who is it good for? Clients with aging skin and anyone who wants to get rid of double chins or sagging skin on the face.

How often to get it? Once a week for the duration of at treatment series.

Perfect Derma Peel

What it is: A medium depth medical grade chemical peel for all skin types and ethnicities. There is no pre-peel skin prep and little to no downtime. It is the only peel that includes the anti-oxidant Glutathione, which lightens and brightens the skin, slows down the aging process, and helps prevent wrinkles.

Who is it good for? This peel is great for anyone!

How often to get it? Every 4 weeks for the duration of a treatment series of 3-6 chemical peels.

Rezenerate Facial

What it is: A facial using nanotechnology to penetrate our medical grade products into the skin on a cellular level. This is done using a vibration pen towards the end of your facial with the finishing products. This facial delivers immediate and long lasting improvements, require no downtime, and are non-invasive.

Who is it good for? Aging clients

How often to get it? 4 weeks

Chemical Peels

What it is: A chemical exfoliant that resurfaces the skin. Chemical peels will also clear your skin of bacteria associated with breakouts, give a smoother appearance, and reverse signs of aging. We offer 7 different medical grade chemical peels.

Who is it good for? Everyone

How often to get it? 4 weeks


What it is: a non-surgical and non-laser treatment that uses the body’s natural healing response to increase the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin resulting in firmer skin, less visible pores, decrease in discoloration, and a more youthful appearance.

Who is it good for? Clients with aging skin, acne, or stretchmarks.

How often to get it? 4 weeks

RF Microneedling

What it is: A treatment using a combination of microneedling and 3Deep radio frequency. This treatment is minimally invasive but stimulates drastic deep collagen production that offers continued improvement long after your treatment series ends. This tightens an dlifts the sagging skin around the eyes, nose, mouth and chin.

Who is it good for? Everyone

How often to get it? 4 weeks.

We offer FREE consultations at (336) 389-0001.

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